and why it’s worth reading now
I never expected to write another business book because there are so many good ones out there. Nevertheless, instead of giving you a pitch for buying and reading it, let me give you some background of what went into Business Black Belt
Since the beginning of my career, I knew I wanted to have my own company and I wanted to learn as much as possible about human nature, including my own, as applied to starting, building and managing a successful business.
I took my very first self-improvement workshop in the winter of 1980, it was called “Playground” written by Paul Larsen of Summit Workshops (formerly he had written several workshop for Werner Erhardt of the est training).
I went because I had just read Winning at Office Politics and my motive was to ingratiate myself at Texas Instruments with our Operations Manager who had invited me.
I was blown away by what I experienced and learned!
It was a workshop actually designed for actors to enable them to more fully get in touch with their emotions and to truly express themselves in the parts they played.
It felt great, my mind quieted, I felt connected — and learned to recreate these states, when things got jangly.
I was never the same.
(That’s what people mean by “transformation.”
Remember to be discerning when you take a course promising to transform you.)
The other workshops were more like experiential (meaning you do things like write, make lists, Play A/B with partners, share… vs. sit & listen) group therapy with aspects of what is now sometimes called “Timeline Therapy.” (Looking back at your childhood and the thinking you used to make sense of things then — You can tell when there seems to be pattern in your life today where certain situations continue to repeat themselves like it’s Groundhog Day every day. And you respond with the same old thinking you always have, as if your 5-year-old self was in charge…) My grandmother used to tell me to “Save the best until last!” That worked fine when I was a child eating dinner, but not so well at a highschool dance or pursuing a customer base…
My favorite story to tell to illustrate the bizarre-ness of these workshops is about the one where they played sounds while we listened and wrote in stream-of-consciousness, then discussed the reactions we had. It was really about developing an awareness of what random things can trigger us unconsciously into another emotional state. And how to catch ourselves and consciously change our state back or to a better state. One night they played the sound of ice cubes dropping into a glass… I envisioned my grandfather and I having a 7-Up, while all around me the children of alcoholic parents were going crazy! Just hearing the sound of ice cubes can send someone over the edge! They got over it then and there.
Over the next 15 years I took every one of their workshops — and a few of them several times!
It never ceased to amaze me what would change in my world after I reconciled some issue blocking me from being effective — first, I realized that most ‘realities’ were merely a point-of-view.
When I changed my point-of-view — things changed.
Sometimes everything changed….
Even the telephone would ring from someone I hadn’t spoken to in years…
A customer would call-in an order…
Stuff like that.
We did workshops using horses in the Arizona desert. (Horse can reveal certain aspect of your nature too!)
We learned scuba-diving as well as many metaphors useful to everyday life gleaned from that training.
I’ve taken workshops given by former EST trainers
I took all of Anthony Robbins’ courses…
walked on fire (several times), climbed to the top of poles, dropped into a city for a 24-hour period with nothing, but a quarter in apple (I ate it right away)
I started taking karate lessons about the same time I started JIAN (now rebranded as Business Power Tools) in 1988. I have a 2nd degree Black Belt in TaeKwonDo.
I learned to fly.
Today, I have 780+ hours and I’m instrument-rated.
I even owned a 1980 Beech V-tail Bonanza (V35B).
There are many things one can learn about business from flying an airplane!
I can’t tell you how many self-help, psychology, and business books I’ve read.
Every one of them had at least several gems.
I sold electronic components for Texas Instruments.
I was the Electronics Buyer for The Sharper Image catalog.
I was in promotional videos for Apple, HP, Tandem Computers, Xerox, …
I even acted in TV commercials for Chevrolet, Honda, Toyota, Yuban, and SuperCuts!
I worked with former summit trainers and former EST trainers who consulted with me for my company for many years.
I belonged to TEC (now Vistage) — 12-15 company CEOs meet once a month, learn something profound from an expert, have lunch, then spend the afternoon solving each others’ problems.
I could turn every session into a Business Power Tools software product!
Believe me, I would never have undertaken to write this book if there wasn’t something more to say.
Everything I learned, I applied to my own business.
Everything I learned from the workshops I participated in…
from the consultants I worked with…
from my experiences working for large and small companies…
as well as for the 30 years invested in developing business-building software tools…
Most of that worked, there were some disasters, and some of it needed tweaking to make it work…
This is what Business Black Belt is about.
I have a lot to say, but I say it all for a reason!
I share many anecdotes that will help you keep your head on straight.
My instructions to my editor were to make sure everything makes sense and that my ego is left out.
I think every chapter could be an entire book on its own,
but you can get the point immediately — enough to take the right action.
Ask for it at your favorite bookstore
You can ask for Business Black Belt by name at your bookstore — they may have it in stock or can get it for you very quickly.
(ISBN # 1-56811-016-2) 356 pages. Hard cover.