amazon best-selling startup entrepreneur business management leadsership best-practices book
Rare & Valuable Wisdom
Business Growth | Funding | Selling | Strategy | Mindset

Profit from my unique
experience and perspective

burke franklin conscious business management consulting

Contact Me Directly

I prefer Skype (burke.franklin) or, but phone is good too.
You can call me directly at
(I’m in So California, Pacific Time)

Or click here to send me an email

You’ve been using my software, reading my blog, watching my videos

I’ve been helping entrepreneurs and business owners for more than 40 years — mostly from within our Business Power Tools software apps and templates, and through my blogs and book Business Black Belt, but now I’m making myself available to you.

Add my strengths to yours

(If you haven’t taken the Gallup Clifton Strengths Assessment, I highly recommend that you do.)

Here are my top 5 strengths and how I can support you:

  • I give people new perspectives on familiar challenges.
  • I help others see connections and purpose in everyday life.
  • I help people grasp elaborate and complicated ideas, processes, theories, or rules.
  • I connect deeply with the right people to gain friends for life.
  • Faced with any given scenario, I can quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues

“I truly enjoyed listening to you and admire your simple, yet brilliant, perspective on things. You have a natural ability to break through complexities and make things seem simple.”
~ Sonya W., Santa Barbara, CA

3 Months Personal Coaching Package Deal

Jump-Start Program

Get Your Projects Set-Up and Launched

+ Three Months of Personal Coaching
with Burke Franklin

Business Planning / Financing
Managing / Marketing / Selling Strategy
Anything You Want to Talk About

13 Weeks: $4,950

We Meet via Skype or Zoom
for 1 Hour Every Week


burke franklin business plan investor coach consulting

Whether it’s business strategy or your thinking, let’s figure it out…

I can quickly get to the root of the issue and point out some alternatives that may work well for you. So if there’s something you need to deal with (a customer, employee, financial situation, management issue, or yourself) and there’s no one else you can talk to about it… Contact me.

“I have been a long-time customer of [JIAN] Business Power Tools using BizPlanBuilder and Marketing Builder to start several companies including one public company, with three more in the works. Your products have saved me MUCH time and energy. I also enjoyed your book, Business Black Belt — finding many parallels to my philosophies.”
~ Russ Benefield, Pompano Beach, FL

When you’re ready to hire me to mentor you,
we’ll keep it simple and easy to try on for size

I’m happy to give you 30-minutes free to see where I can be of service to you:

  • Answer questions and give feedback on your business plan — Things others aren’t aware of that may cause doubts
  • Strategize about funding and investors
  • Give you feedback on your investor presentation — Things investors may not tell you
  • Review your financial model — a reality check before pitching
  • Support your financing strategy and help prep you to talk with investors
  • Talk about your marketing and selling strategy
  • Discuss your business — Things you may not want to share with anyone else
  • Talk you off the ledge if you’re having a bad day or a catastrophic business issue!
  • Or any place you feel stuck — like you just can’t get there from here…

We can cover a lot of ground in a half hour!

I can coach you myself and/or I can refer you to one of our many coaches or consultants who are better suited to handle a specific issue or project.

If you want to continue working together, we can make a new deal.
We can also create blocks of time and/or schedule regular weekly or monthly meetings.

I can help you

I’ve been in business for 40+ years and have a very strong background in sales, marketing and business development with both technology and consumer products. I’ve worked for companies like Texas Instruments, CPT and a number of start-ups. I was also the electronics buyer and a copywriter for The Sharper Image catalog.

Mostly, you want to work with me because of my unique experience building Business Power Tools over the past 30+ years. I’ve seen a lot, talked with many people about a myriad of businesses and situations and ideas flow constantly.

Use Business Power Tools software for a head-start

If you use the Business Power Tools software, you’ll have most of what I know already in a form you can immediately apply. All you really need me to do is to help you implement all of it. I already know where everything is so we can go fast. From there I will see more ways to build your business and we’ll talk about where you want to go and what you want to do going forward.

Here are a few ways I can help you…

  • Role-play your investor…
  • Review your business plan from an investors point-of-view…
  • Go through your financial model, review your assumptions…
  • What would motivate me to invest in your company?
  • What would scare me off?
  • Be your customer
  • Discuss your marketing strategy
  • Tweak your sales pitch so it can be stated easily
  • Edit your brochure copy—make it deliver the most effective presentation to make the sale.
  • What do your competitors offer that you don’t?
    Is it worth addressing? Or is there something better that you can do?
  • I can recommend you to others who can further help you


Sometimes, just the words you use are sending bad messages to the world — I’m happy to take you aside and powwow with you on a better way of [thinking behind what you are] saying what you want… in order to get you closer to what you really want.

$300 / hr or a Cool Trade

I may even be interested in stock in your company in lieu of or supplemental to my fee. I accept Cash / PayPal / Visa / MasterCard / American Express / or Some Kind of Cool Trade.

  • Time in your Vacation home
  • Time in your Ski cabin
  • Let me fly your Airplane
  • I love electric guitars
  • Livestock
  • a ranch for the livestock
  • You can think of something


Let’s have some fun here! You’ll get your money’s worth when you answer my questions, listen, and find something you can agree with — defending any position just prolongs the pain and takes longer on the meter.

We can work once or a few times, or at regular intervals (weekly/monthly).

If you want me to visit you, you must pay my travel expenses and a reasonable per diem for the privilege. (Ideally, you will send your jet to pick me up and take me home, although a good old-fashioned railroad car would be amusing.)

We can work this out in advance.
415-860-1070 mbl