In a business plan software template system that produces a roadmap for growth and success — With or without outside financing

Besides funding, our perspective is this…
How much of your business can you build before (or without) financing?
What impresses investors most is how much you can accomplish with what you have. When you can prove that you’re resourceful, investors are often inclined to bet on you and your business.
Sure, an investor may give you a meeting with a 2-page summary plan, but to go to the next stage, you will need many more answers and a solid business plan. To help you, we’ve taken the best elements from hundreds of successful business plans and presentations and incorporated them into specific template documents that you can edit into your own — prepared from the investors’ and lenders’ perspective.
“They laughed at my ideas…
Until I showed them my business plan!”
“Bootstrapping” or Self-Funding Without Outside Capital?
Over the past 30+ years, many of our subscribers have bypassed outside investors in favor of organically building their businesses and keeping full control. We did that too, and originally created BizPlanBuilder for ourselves — and we used it ourselves with banks ($750,000), the SBA ($225,000), and angel investors ($200,000). You’ll also read many testimonials here from customers who have raised many millions (collectively Billions now) through all kinds of financial sources.
BizPlanBuilder chunks business and strategic planning into a series of short sections that help you describe your unique business concept, the marketplace, strategy, and prospects for success, with pre-programmed Excel workbooks doing all of the financial math. The included PowerPoint “pitch” template has been refined after many investor presentations. Then, add-in 30+ years of feedback from business owners, consultants and others who have gone before you…
“BizPlanBuilder employs a refreshing combination of the philosopher and expert mentor approach.”
~ Gerald Herter, CPA, MBA, Accounting Technology
We’ve set-up the structure, typed the content, then you simply read along and customize to your liking.
Biz Plan Builder business plan software is the fastest and easiest way of turning your ideas into a winning plan and a successful business. That’s why BizPlanBuilder is so widely welcomed (and often referred) as the best business plan software by so many people who really understand business planning and business plans today.
“As someone who had never turned on a computer, I used Biz Plan Builder and first raised $850,000, then $5 million to buy a large health club because of your software. I still get compliments on my first biz plan when folks want to see what we did to raise our original capital. I always send them your direction!”
– Bob Shoulders, Fayetteville Athletic Club, Fayetteville, AR
“My wife/business partner and I have used BizPlanBuilder annually to clarify our business ideas to help us keep score as we compare our business to those of our competitors in the health/fitness/spa services industry. Our preparedness paid off when we went to the bank for an SBA loan to purchase a $700,000.00 wellness center in San Mateo, CA. Usually the forms require most applicants up to six months to have their act together and their story straight. We were back in 3 days, with everything they needed to process the loan. With BizPlanBuilder it was easy to compile our information to suit the bank and the SBA.”
~ Aaron Ulysses Parnell,