With a booming business deal in the works, can you trust just a handshake
A good written contract to properly document all of your deal points
Now you can minimize your legal costs by using these 165 comprehensive sample legal business contract templates in plain-English and make transactions easier to understand, negotiate and close…
Professional Sample Business Contracts
Developed with attorneys and successful business managers, these 165+ comprehensive, proven sample business agreements will support your deals and protect your business. Because legalese can delay or kill deals, each contract has been edited into plain-English to enable better understanding and negotiation. Attorneys’ comments throughout explain issues and provide direction. Multi-user capability enables collaboration online.
“JIAN’s [Business Power Tools] Agreement Builder stands out from the rest of the pack… It has document templates for a wide range of business needs, including all the forms you’d want to operate a company on a day-to-day basis… use it as a short-form device to hammer out terms of an agreement before you turn them over to your attorney.”
~ Jeffrey J. Fahs, Home Office Computing, Wired by Law